7 events found.
- Events
- Training
- No events scheduled for November 13, 2023.
- No events scheduled for November 15, 2023.
- No events scheduled for November 17, 2023.
- No events scheduled for November 18, 2023.
- No events scheduled for November 19, 2023.
Week of Events
Virtual Event
Community of Practice (CoP): Implementation of Evidenced Based Practices (EBP)
Community of Practice (CoP): Implementation of Evidenced Based Practices (EBP)
CoPs are for CBHC leaders in Evidence-Based Practices (EBP) Implementation. This may include personnel with titles such as CBHC directors, medical directors, training directors, project directors, quality improvement and quality assurance directors, and directors of workforce development. Description These first two meetings will build on the issues discussed in November raised at the Fidelity webinar. […]
DC:0-5 Virtual Clinical Training Series w/Reflective Case Consultation
DC:0-5 Virtual Clinical Training Series w/Reflective Case Consultation
October 30 - December 11, 2023 This training consists of 3 days of Clinical Training, followed by 2 Reflective Case Consultation sessions. It’s a requirement to attend all 5 days. These offerings are a part of The Connecting Communities: Support for the MA Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health grant funding from MA Executive Office […]