Behavioral Health Resources – Children’s Behavioral Health Initiative (CBHI)

This training resource page is designed to support staff and providers of care working with children and families.  The intended purpose of this centralized location is to provide links to e-learning modules, webinars, videos, and documents to promote professional development and community resource awareness for youth focused care. Please note, the information and resources are developed and provided by the identified organizations.


  • What is Wraparound: Produced by the SAMHSA TA Network (National Training and Technical Assistance Center for Child, Youth, and Family Mental Health) this video provides a high-level illustration of how Wraparound works as a collaborative-care approach that supports behavioral health reform efforts at the state, local, and program levels. It’s also a great way to introduce Wraparound to potential care plan team (CPT) members and system partners unfamiliar with this approach. 
  • National Wraparound Initiative: National Wraparound Initiative works to promote understanding about the components and benefits of care coordination using the Wraparound practice model, and to provide the field with resources and guidance that facilitate high quality and consistent Wraparound implementation. 
  • National Wraparound Implementation Center: NWIC supports states, communities, and organizations to implement Wraparound effectively through training and workforce development, organizational- and system-level technical assistance, and evaluation support. 
  • Wraparound an Introduction for Families and Team Members: This short, animated video offers a general introduction to Wraparound for children, families and others who may be learning about it for the first time. It describes why this care coordination process was created, and how its team approach helps children and youth who experience serious mental health or behavioral challenges, and their families. This can be a helpful tool as you engage families and other team members new to the Wraparound process. 
  • Wraparound | Innovations Institute: UCONN; Wraparound is a structured way to organize services and supports young people with complex behavioral health needs and their families. A team, committed to creating and carrying out a plan that meets the needs of the young person and their family, is led by a care coordinator, and involves family members and people from different parts of the family’s life. The goal of Wraparound is to ensure that young people realize their hopes and dreams, and experience success in their homes, communities, and schools. This intensive, creative team approach makes Wraparound unique. 
Wellness and Recovery After Psychosis (WRAP)
  • Wellness and Recovery After Psychosis (WRAP) Without Walls | Boston Medical Center: The Wellness and Recovery After Psychosis (WRAP) Without Walls (WWW) Program is a new clinical program funded by the Jack Satter Foundation targeted towards adolescents and young adults with frequent substance use and psychosis symptoms.  
  • ASPIRE Clinic | BIDMC of Boston: The Advancing Services for Psychosis Integration and Recovery (ASPIRE) clinic is accepting referrals at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center (BIDMC). We provide comprehensive evaluation and outpatient treatment for individuals experiencing early symptoms of psychosis. Integrated within the larger BIDMC community, we offer coordinated, multidisciplinary care focused on every patient’s individual needs. Our academic center also offers opportunities to participate in clinical research geared toward understanding and developing innovative treatments for early psychosis. 

Supporting Families

  • Ontario Centre of Excellence: What is Family Engagement?: This video describes meaningful engagement with families and how it can lead to more effective care planning for children with mental health needs. This may be useful as an introduction to this core value for new CSA staff, a refresher for seasoned staff, or group supervision or staff meeting facilitated discussions on engagement. 
Massachusetts Child & Adolescent Needs and Strengths (CANS) Training and Certification
  • CANS Training Program: Massachusetts Child & Adolescent Needs and Strengths (CANS) Training and Certification. This training is for clinicians who provide behavioral health assessments to MassHealth covered children and youth under the age of 21. Clinicians who are enrolled as a MassHealth provider or as a network provider in one of MassHealth’s contracted managed care entities are required to complete this training and certification in order to provide behavioral health assessments to MassHealth covered children and youth under the age of 21. 
  • Assessment and Clinical Understanding Training: The Assessment & Clinical Understanding training was developed in response to the need for improved assessment and clinical formulation skills.  The training is designed for In Home Therapy (IHT) clinicians, Intensive Care Coordinators (ICC), Outpatient therapists and their supervisors. 
  • Children’s Behavioral Health Knowledge Center | MA DMH:  For the Massachusetts Children’s Behavioral Health Workforce. The Children’s Behavioral Health Knowledge Center is an initiative within the Department of Mental Health in the Child, Youth, and Families Division.  As part of the state’s mental health authority, the Knowledge Center’s purview is the entire children’s behavioral health system, across EOHHS agencies and across public and private payers. 
Community Reinforcement and Family Training (CRAFT)
  • Jeffrey Foote, PhD – The Center for Motivation & Change: CRAFT is a skills-based program for families of people who struggle with addiction. It is designed to support family members across multiple areas, including self-care, pleasurable activities, problem-solving, and goal setting, while at the same time teaching behavioral and motivational strategies for interacting with their loved one and addressing resistance to change.  The Center for Motivation and Change specialize in the CRAFT approach and provides treatment and services to both patients with a substance use disorder and family members.  
  • On Demand | Community Reinforcement and Family Training (CRAFT) | CCSME-For every one person living with a Substance Use Disorder, there are an average of five loved ones around him/her who are also negatively affected. CRAFT is a unique therapeutic approach with strong research support in helping people to take good care of themselves while also doing what’s in their control to impact the substance use of a loved one. This course discusses the main principles of CRAFT and some accessible resources for clinicians and patients alike.  
  • The CRAFT Approach – Partnership to End Addiction: CRAFT provides families like yours with tools to better understand your child’s reasons for substance use, ways to improve communication and to reward healthy behaviors while discouraging substance use. Equally important are the tools around self-care to handle negative emotions like anger, shame, fear, guilt and depression, and to address feelings of isolation. Learn more about the various tools you can use by clicking on the articles highlighted below on listening, identifying solutions, using reinforcement and more. You may also wish to join our online support group meetings as each week a CRAFT or related parenting topic is discussed with parents and other caregivers who face similar challenges. 
State Trainings: 
  • Massachusetts Mandated Reporter Training: In Massachusetts, certain professionals are designated as mandated reporters of child abuse and neglect. As mandated reporters, these individuals have a legal obligation to report any suspected cases of child abuse to the relevant authorities. Taking mandated reporter training is the best way to ensure that you understand your duty and can report effectively.  
  • Diagnostic Classification of Mental Health and Developmental Disorders of Infancy and Early Childhood (DC:0-5™) – MassAIMH: DC: 0-5™: The Diagnostic Classification of Mental Health and Developmental Disorders of Infancy and Early Childhood (DC: 0-5) is an age-appropriate approach for assessing infants, toddlers and preschool children. The Clinical DC:0-5™ training is designed to support providers in adopting the approach, understanding the multi-axial system, and utilizing the classification system in their work with children from birth through age five. Clinicians will be supported in adopting approaches to diagnosis and assessment that are developmentally informed, relationship-based, and culturally competent. In MA, we have successfully implemented a model to integrate ongoing support for providers trained in the DC 0-5 by including case consultation sessions and communities of practice. 
Children’s Behavioral Health Initiative (CBHI):  

Working With Partners and Systems

  • Coordinating Care in Outpatient Therapy: MassHealth and the Children’s Behavioral Health Knowledge Center at DMH developed this free, interactive training for outpatient therapists to explain reimbursement changes for care coordination—as of October 2016  MassHealth began reimbursing collateral contacts and case and family consults at the same pro-rated amount as a 60 minute office visit.  This training is also great introduction to how MassHealth hub services for children and youth work.  This is a useful educational resource to share with system partners, for instance, an outpatient therapist on your care planning team (CPT). 
  • Boston Children’s Hospital Neighborhood Partnerships (BCHNP) Online Trainings: BCHNP is the community behavioral health program in the Department of Psychiatry at Boston Children’s Hospital. Through the Training and Access Project, BCHNP provides online courses on behavioral health and schools. Courses are developed for school personnel, however the trainings may be of interest to anyone interested in the social-emotional development of school-age children and behavioral health. New and seasoned CSA staff can learn more about school culture and prepare them for more effective collaboration and communication with partners in the school system, as they relate to individual care plans with families. The trainings are hosted on the Open Pediatrics learning platform where you must create a profile and take an initial survey about your role to explore trainings. 
  • Federation for Children with Special Needs—Parent Consultant Training Institute (PCTI) Resource Page: The Federation for Children with Special Needs (FCSN) provides information, support, and assistance to parents of children with disabilities, their professional partners, and their communities. FCSN offers a rich catalog of webinars, slide decks, and fact sheets related to special education for caregivers and professionals who work with families involved with special education. Some resources are available in Spanish, Portuguese, and Haitian Creole. There is a schedule of workshop topics where you can also learn how to request a workshop. 
  • Webinar: Understanding Basic Rights in Special Education: Presenter: Elizabeth Topaz, Senior Trainer, Parent Training and Information Center at the Federation for Children with Special Needs Liz is the Senior Trainer for the Parent Training and Information Center of the Federation and a parent of a young adult with special needs. Discussion of basic rights and procedures in the special education system, including referral, eligibility for special education and the basics of developing the IEP. 
  • Understanding Basic Rights in Special Education – Slide Share Presentation (webinar companion) 
  • BIRCh – UMass Boston:  The mission of the Behavioral health Integrated Resources for Children Project (BIRCh Project) is to provide professional development and resources for schools and strengthen the coordination of behavioral health supports provided by school and community agencies. 
  • Stop Child Abuse | Children’s Trust Massachusetts:   The Children’s Trust is a public-private organization working toward a Massachusetts free from child abuse and neglect. We partner with organizations and communities to drive systemic change to address the root causes of abuse and neglect so that all children can grow up in thriving families. 
  • Handhold was created by a team of mental health and child development experts in partnership with parents who have gone through what you are going through. Our goal? To guide you in caring for your child’s mental health and emotional well-being. Family partners and parents of kids with similar experiences to yours told us what they wished they had known earlier in their journey. Mental health experts, including child psychiatrists, social workers, and psychologists, selected the most relevant and useful resources.  
  • Our Legacy: The Baker Center For Children and Families: The Baker Center for Children and Families (also known as Judge Baker Children’s Center), promotes the best possible mental health of children and families through the integration of research, intervention, training, and policy. 
  • The Massachusetts Child Psychiatry Access Program (MCPAP) is a system of regional children’s behavioral health consultation teams designed to help primary care providers and their practices to promote and manage the behavioral health of their pediatric patients as a fundamental component of overall health and wellness.  MCPAP supports the integration of behavioral and physical health.  Our teams are available to consult with behavioral health clinicians working in the primary care setting as well as the primary care provider and other members of the primary care team.   
Massachusetts Psychosis Network for Early Treatment MAPNET
  • MAPNET: We are a Technical Assistance Center with the goal of connecting and supporting First Episode Psychosis service providers in Massachusetts. 
  • Psychosis Training Toolkit: This toolkit is a resource for providers to grow their knowledge about early psychosis, and to develop necessary skills to provide effective, high-quality services. To begin, review the manual “Coordinated Specialty Care for Early Psychosis in Massachusetts” to learn about the key principals and elements of early psychosis care. 
  • For Providers: Treatment and referral resources for early psychosis service providers in Massachusetts are listed. Please browse the links below or search for specific topics. Click here to request a training or consultation from the MAPNET team. 
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and Intellectual or Developmental Disabilities (IDD)
  • Eunice Kennedy Shriver Center – Education & Training: For nearly 50 years, the Shriver Center has been the go-to provider of information, resources and support for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities and their families. Drawing on the expertise of our talented faculty and the resources of the prestigious UMass Medical School, we have developed a range of academic and curriculum development and training programs that teach and train those who share our mission to enhance the lives of people with disabilities. 
  • ECHO Autism & IDD Trainings: We train child and adolescent mental health providers across all the Community Behavioral Health Centers in Massachusetts with the best evidence-based practices so that they can more readily assist children and young adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) or intellectual or developmental disabilities (I/DD) during a behavioral health crisis and during ongoing behavioral health care.   
  • Autism Resource Center: A Program of Advocates: Our vision is to be the center of the autism community in Central Massachusetts. To carry out this mission, we provide vital services such as education, family activities, referrals, and support to families affected by ASD. We offer information on a great variety of issues, so that parents and professionals have what they need to provide effective support to individuals with ASD. 
  • Autism Supports | Toward Independent Living and Learning: We offer an extensive and comprehensive range of residential, clinical, family support services and day and vocational programs that meet the needs of individuals and their families of all ages with disabilities throughout Eastern Massachusetts and Southern New Hampshire. Toward Independent Living and Learning is committed to working with people and their families to create meaningful lives, connected to one’s community and all that it has to offer. We realize this mission through individualized residential, vocational, therapeutic, and support service opportunities. We grow, learn and change together with the individuals and families we support. Central to all our services is the recognition of each person’s right to self-expression and self-determination in managing their life. 

Cultural Responsiveness

  • Improving Cultural Competency for Behavioral Health Professionals: The US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Office of Minority Health offers this free accredited e-learning program for behavioral health providers to help develop knowledge and skills related to culturally and linguistically appropriate services. 
  • Combating Mental Health Stigma in the African American Community: Developed by the MGH Clay Center for Healthy Young Minds (, this video is useful for Care Coordinators and Family Partners at all levels. It describes the stigma of seeking mental health treatment and explains why people of color may not feel comfortable seeking help, especially from providers who are white. The video can be used as a training tool to stimulate discussions on cultural differences between providers and clients. 
  • Cultural Competence E-Learning Series: The Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto (Sick Kids) developed 15 open access interactive e-learning modules. The modules reference physical health/medical settings (i.e “patients”, “patient safety”), but the concepts and content are relevant to new and seasoned CSA staff working with families with diverse cultural backgrounds. The following modules are particularly relevant to CSA staff: 
    • Introduction to Clinical Cultural Competence 
    • Social Determinants of Health 
    • Cross Cultural Communication 
    • Parenting Across Cultures 
    • Mental Health and Cultural Competence 
    • Cultural Competence in Social Work-A Case Study Approach 
  • Gandara Center | Bilingual Mental Health: Founded in 1977 to advocate and provide for equal services in the Hispanic community, Gándara Center delivers quality bilingual behavioral health, substance use and preventative services for a diverse clientele of nearly15,000 children, adults and families each year in 100 locations across Massachusetts. 


Self-Care For Staff