
Self-Paced Online Training
A sign-on and password is required to access self-paced online trainings. Please contact your supervisor if you have not yet received yours. Also, several courses offer Continuing Education (CE) credits. Ensure you read the Welcome message at the start of each course to know if CE credits are available and the minimum learning time requirement to receive them.


Pediatric Psychopharmacology

Training Description: This 1-hour online training will provide information on the rationale for psychotropic prescribing in the pediatric population and will review general clinical principles,


Child-Development and the Adolescent Brain

Training Description: This 2-hour course will provide attendees with information on Child-Development and the Adolescent Brain including the basics of children’s brain architecture, how to


Common Medical Comorbidities in Youth

Training Description: The aim of this training is to increase clinicians’ and mental health professionals’ knowledge about key medical conditions and complications of youth, so they
