
Cultural Humility and Equity in Behavioral Health

Cultural Humility-Equity in Behavior Health

Training Description: This 1-hour training will provide participants with information on how to enhance cultural humility and allyship skills. This training begins with defining cultural humility, marginalization, allyship, and identifying common groups that are marginalized. The training moves to explore…

Providing Trauma-Informed Supervision

Providing TI Supervision

Training Description: During this 1-hour training, Providing Trauma-Informed Supervision, participants will review the principles of trauma-informed supervision. A trauma-informed environment feels safe and welcoming to everyone. The way that staff members treat each other affects that environment and the people…

Trauma-Informed Screening and Assessment

Businessman hand is on the trackpad, typing on a laptop keyboard, while reading a business document. In a modern office, a corporate man, a lawyer, works. Concept of business and technology.

Training Description: This 1-hour training, Trauma-Informed Screening and Assessment is designed to provide tools for screening in a trauma-informed manner that will help the counselor and client develop a common understanding of the connection between their trauma and the issues…

Developing Practical Skills In Trauma-Informed Care

A watercolor of two hands surrounding a heart

Training Description: This 1-hour training, Developing Practical Skills in Providing Trauma Informed Care is designed to provide participants with practical experience in providing trauma-informed care through interactive activities and problem-focused case examples. This training provides participants with practical experience implementing…